Shocking News for Spearfisherman!! Although it does not come as a surprise the Barges sunk at Vidal look like they are going to be made exclusive to bubble blowers!
In yesterdays Zululand Observer article "Disaster turned to success" the bad news was spilt.
Unfortunately I think there is going to be little anyone can do to help as they are in the Wet lands Park.Our advantage is they are within the Park and management control and legal
mechanisms including a Park Area Notice are in place to ensure compliance – like
no fishing or spear fishing.‘The reefs are within sight of a controlled launch
site and full-time Park compliance staff. A research and monitoring programme
has also been tendered.’ Head of research at the Natal Sharks Board, Geremy
Cliff said the new reefs should have a beneficial role in reducing diver
pressure on the Sodwana reefs: ‘But artificial reefs are known to be
fish-attracting devices so they will need to be very closely monitored to ensure
anglers and spear fishermen don’t target them.’ Kerry Sink, manager of the
marine programme for the SA National Biodiversity Institute, shares this
concern.‘However if these relieve pressure on the natural reefs at Sodwana and
diversify the dive experience at Vidal, then they have a role,’ she said.
Sorry for Us
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