Friday, August 29, 2008
Whats up this Weekend?
The unfortunate thing is that the north east will be up early and we might have to wait until Sunday to get in.
Other than that there is a new website on the scene, created by the guys who brought us the Fishing Corner this is bound to be a hive of activity in the months to come.
Any way thats all for now
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Is ita Malloway or Dagga Salmon?
There appears to be two spieces:
Argyrosomus hololepidotus
Both the Mulloway and Dagga seem to be the "Argyrosomus japonicus" from what I have read.
Although the Argyrosomus hololepidotus is found along the South African, Madagascan and East African Shore lines. It is more commonly found in shallow water and is listed as endangered.
Prahaps that is why shore anglers have a restriction on Dagga on our coast?
Let me know your thoughts ...just add a comment below.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Who wants to work??
Anyway the sea was great this morning, the swell was not as lined up as I thought it would be and the surf consisted of freaky peaks. But the conditions were so good, it made up for the inconsistent waves.
The vis was not as good as I hoped and I think we will be surfing again tomorrow. The forecast shows the swell to still be around for tomorrow and then the east will blow ....typical!
Thats all
Monday, August 25, 2008
No one likes to miss out!
So I got up at about 5 and went to the office, the whole time I was stressing that I had made the wrong decision and should have gone diving. So at 6:30 my I could not contain myself and shot down to have a quick look ..... and it was marginal at best, what a relief - the last thing I wanted was to know that I missed out!!
The next few day look good for some surf and even a couple dives later in the week.
any way back to work :-)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Hope for the Weekend
There is hope for tomorrows dive! There is a nice little south west due today and this will hopefuly clean things up a little. I was on the road yesterday arvo and Tongaat did not look all that bad even in the east.
The East will be up early and I am sure the sea will turn ugly quickly, so get in early!!
I hope you had a chance to Visit our new Spearfishing Video DVD web site??
If you have not yet ..go on ...I will be putting u some sneak previews this weekend!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Fujian Dorado Eye Candy
This ia what was attached to the pic:
“Nice photo eh? Taken in Fujairah while I was on the Inyala. Vessel was drifting off port limits. The dorado were swimming around the ship. Distance from me to fish +/- 14m”
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New Spearfishing Adventure DVD

Behind the scenes over the last few months we have been working hard on what we like to think is going to be the best Spearfishing DVD on the market. Just looking at the 'rough edit' - (the basic story line before we add in the graphics and music) I get so excited. I want the dvd to be ready now.
So far we are 3/4 through the main Spearfishing Adventure and are busy putting all the bonus features together. It wont be long now, and we hope to have the dvd finished by November.
We have put together a website that will cover our progress as we get to the final moments before the launch. We will be putting up some sneak previews and inside info, so be sure to pop in every now and then and see what is happening.
Too amped
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Beast from the East
Thats all over now as the beasterly easterly pumped yesterday and the sea is sh-mangled. And it does not look good until next week. ....Bloody Easts
I like to go through last years posts to see what we were doing the same time last year, it is strange how similar the days often are. Check it out August 2007
Anyway I will have to wait for some news from Oz or some lucky bum on a island some where. Come to think of it Scotty Rutherford is in G-land .... he took his speargun in his board bag!!! Maybe we will have some pics to show next week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spearfishing In Oz
I got a report in from Barry Paxman on there weekends diving. They got some Spanish Mackerel 'Cuta' around the 24-25kg mark .... obviously not that impressive, as they did not send pics. I would have the pics framed and on the wall for all to see!!
Maybe the cuta got left off in the light that they got a Cobia 'Prodigal Son' of 35.75kg and a Yellow Fin Tuna of 34.6kg!!
Here is Scott Paxman, this guy just seems to be getting great fish. The not so long ago we saw those great Wahoo they shot ... Check it out .. Paxman Wahoo Its no wondr he has been diving since he was .... probably 3yrs old or something!
For more on the Paxman's and Spearfishing Western Oz check out - Bluewater Freedivers of Western Australia
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Spearfishing Update
I got the surprise of my life when a cuta swam right up to me, it was a real good sized fish. i turned to line up and it spooked, disappearing into the gloom in an instant ....flip I was so bummed!!
The west is pushing and the morning shows some promise, lets see what happens.
The weekend looks like a bit of a right off tho...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday Fired
But as for me ... I am in the office working!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday Mornings
The guys surfing Bog on the other hand seemed to be having more fun. The wave was actually quiet good, a bit shifty but every odd set had a pearler.
Go check out Resurrecting Bog Bay ... we are trying to get the rock moved to improve the wave!!
I heard from Morne' and Willy who are up in Mozambique, they are getting some good fish. Nothing big yet but a couple of Kingfish around 12kg and some good sized Cuta around the 14k mark. Unfortunately Morne has burst his ear drum!!! freak that must be a serious let down ... Mozam and a screwed up ear!!! I dont think it gets worse.
The East is going to mess things up later, but with a little luck the sea will still be ok tomorrow!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Online Open Spearfishing Competition
1. Have no long trips to the venue,
2. Dive at your leisure - there is lots of time, just enter some fish you get during September 2008,
3. Shoot what you select to shoot,
4. Anyone can take part anywhere in SA,
5. Use a unique scoring system that allows divers anywhere to compete with their catch even if they are not big fat fish,
6. Have a very slim chance of a weather wipeout
7. Have a very small entry fee (R80) that goes to the Springbok team
Well now you can take part in just such a spearfishing competition.
The objective is to have many competitors enter and participate. All registration fees of R80 per person go to sponsoring our Springbok team taking part in the World Championships in
In the Online Open you can dive in different areas and compare catches as a percentage of the SA record, this allows someone shooting a big butterfish in
Here is how it will work:
Who can take part? Anyone with, or without SAUFF membership, you do not need to be a club member, foreigners welcome too if you are in SA.
When? Diving between
Where? Anywhere in South African ocean waters - excludes reserves, dams, lakes and estuaries and any spot you may not dive legally.
Method of fishing with speargun only - no artificial breathing apparatus
Fish Species that may be taken: Any open season fish - excludes closed species such as brindle bass,
Scoring: To allow divers in the
How does record percentage work?
The SA record for cape salmon 13 kg. If you take part and in September you get a 10 kg cape salmon then your record percentage for that fish is = 76.9%
(to calculate record percentage you divide the weight of your fish by the SA records weight and multiply by 100. 10 / 13 times 100 = 76.9)
Weigh gutted fish with gills removed.
Weigh your best five fish(highest record percentages) and submit the pictures as specified by the weigh-in rules(to follow).
The record percentage of each of the five fish will be totaled and the person who gets the highest score is the overall winner.
What is required of you?
Get a fish or preferably five this September.
All you do is take a digital picture in the manner required(supplied later), record the weight accurately as possible and email the picture to the judges as evidence.
You keep your fish.
Shane of Freedivers offered to sponsor a Freedivers Speargun and a pair of Freedivers Fins.
Gletwyn Rubidge (me) has sponsored an online spearfishing mentorship program, a correspondence spearfishing course, twp Len Jone’s Books and a CD divebook on PE divesites.
So far that’s about R3000 worth of prizes.
Other sponsors are welcome to donate prizes too.
There prizes for individual fish with the highest record percentage.
To enter deposit the entrance fee (R80) into the following account:
First National Bank,
Branch Code: 220128,
Acc number 62067501132
As reference use your initial and surname e.g. P Woods and REC% to indicate it is for the record % competition
Online Open Web Page:
Do something different this spring and support our boys in Green and Yellow. The system is open for registration right now!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I should be Spearfishing!!
We will probably surf Monday morning with 3m plus waves, it will probably be all over the place as we normally need a day of calm winds to settle the swell.
Hey while we are talking surfing ...
I have recently started a new web page called "Resurrecting Bog Bay"
For years we have been talking about doing something about the rocks that stop the flow of sand into the bay. So here is a start, the site is dedicated to collecting info on the beaches before and after the rocks were put in almost 20 years ago ... freak that makes me feel old!!
Please take a look at the site, if you were around then or surf up the coast please join the site.
You get access to the forum and your own profile page were you can stick up pics and write your own blog.
But what I am really after is old pics of the beach and to try and get in touch with some of the older folk who used to surf there back in the day.
Go check out Resurrecting Bog Bay
There is also a link in the menu bar on the right ... below the ads ...
Any way thats all for now,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Spearfishing Bliss
I went for a quicky and got a Grunter of about 5kg, and saw a baby Dagga.
There was abit of swell so I am sure the guys got some waves aswell. In fact when we got to the beach a mate of mine was there with his fishing ski, telling us how much easier there are compared to swimming out. After 4 tries he left his ski on the beach and swam to the spot. Never the less we beat him to the spot and there was a little jesting going on about the ski story. ..... every man for his own I suppose!!
Here is something amazing .... Eric Allard who shot that awsome Dog Tooth Tuna up at Tanga also sent this pic of his Rob Allen Roto Moulded Foam Filled Float that got crushed when the Doggie took it down. Rob said that the float is designed to be able to handle 40m with no effect on the buoy. Read Erics response to Rob ...very interesting!!
Hi Rob,
I may be off by 5 m at the most on the depth of the second float. It was down there with line fully extended and no less than 10 m from the surface (if not 15 m), so the depth the first float was at must have been somewhere between 50 - 60 m down.
The fish was in Tanga. It is my favourite and most productive Tanga spot about 5 nm offshore, and about 1.5 nm off the outer reefs (so about 3.5 nm from shore to the outer reefs). I start my drifts where the bottom is about 100 m (it drops fast to below 120 m further south from where I get in the water, and am not quite sure how much further below that still further south) and drift onto a shelf that flattens out at 38 - 40 m. This has been a very very productive spot and is where I have speared several yellowfin in the years past, when the mantis prawns were around until 2004, plenty of wahoo, my black marlin, sail, and where I have seen these doggies before. The problem there is that the doggies don't seem to be interested in the flashers as they are at Latham (that is what was so amazing at Latham, as they come right up to the flashers in schools from a bottom of about 50 - 70m).
The current heads north and there are thick schools of unicorn fish and rainbow runner right on the slope. Before you hit the slope, and throughout the drift (which is about 500 m long from the time you get in the water to the time you get back on the boat) it is likely to see the wahoo. As you hit the slope, you dive into these thick schools. The water can be as clear as 40 m viz, and normally no less than 20 - 25 m (or it is just not worth diving there as the wahoo will not be there and you aren't going to make it to the bottom and shoot bottom fish, or even the doggies). I have seen the doggies there before just sort of idly 'hanging around' between the schools of smaller fish, well out of reach. The last time I saw them they were simply too deep down, as they were on the slope so probably below 40 m depth.
So it is very likely this fish, in its initial run, went down the slope and into 100 - 120 m of water. The rear float was down at least 10 m for about a minute as I swam after the rig trying not to take my eyes off the disappearing float. The rear float then came back up and I followed the fish for quite some time. It never died until I brought it to the surface almost an hour later, now in shallower water (it swam north west and toward the main reef) and at least 1 nm away from where I speared it. It was a long so not a good shot and the spear never went through. I was very conservative at brining the fish up, so took my time ensuring that every time it wanted to run, it could without any extra jerking motions. Sure enough when I grabbed the fish the barb was visible just under the skin (but by then I had a second shot in it). I was lucky. This fish did not die or completely tire itself out after the first few runs like the ones in Latham did, but they were better shots.
I suppose the good thing is that the float still worked, it did its job and the fish was landed!! I wish I could tell a story of how a big fish pulled my float so deep it crushed it!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Spearfishing Dog Tooth Tuna
With enough time and money, I would be an 'excellent' spearfisherman!! Fact is I am just not going to spearfish a Dog Tooth Tuna here at home. Damn, I am Jealous!!
How is this epic tuna Eric shot? Apparently it pulled his buoys to some ridiculous depth crushing a foam fulled float. A mate of mine Andrew is going to visit him in a months time up in Tanzania..... it is a real pity he does not need me to carry his suit cases!!
Back here at home the south should come through later and sort things out for tomorrow.
Lets hope
Monday, August 4, 2008
Spearfishing Dagga Salmon
On Saturday Morne' I went spearfishing with Garrick Morris & Iain Ewing off Durban. I have not done too much diving in that area so I was quiet keen to see what was happening out there.
The water was quiet good and it was still atleast 10m vis 20-25m down. I was filming some bait fish on one of the wrecks when a good shoal of Dagga Salmon came in. I saw some good size fish in the shoal, and took a shot at one nearest to me. One in the bag is better than one in the bush ....!
The great thing was is that the footage of the shot came out great and it was a good call. Although the water was clean it was quiet cold and we struggled to find other quality fish to shoot. We dived up at Umhloti for abit before heading back.
The water this morning was very clean, but again on the cold side. I did not see anything worth shooting other than some Yellow fin Tuna that came whizzing past my flasher ....all they did was get my heart pumping and thats about all.
The east is going pump today so tomorrow might be out. There is a small south tomorrow that might sort things out again .... lets hope.
Some More Great Spearfishing Videos
- Coatesman's Spearfishing How to Videos
- Best Dogtooth Tuna Spearfishing
- Giant Tuna being Hand feed
- Spearfishing 3 Kings - New Zealand with MJK
- Spearfishing Madagascar & Mozambique with MJK
- Spearfishing New Zealand Bluefin Tuna & Tonga with MJK
- Coatesmans Pole Spear Spearfishing Fail
- How to make the best Spearfishing Flasher with Chris Coates
- Free Swimming Dog Tooth tuna while Spearfishing Madagascar
- Spearfishing Sailfish Madagascar
- Spearfishing Dogtooth Tuna Madagascar
- Sailfish Attacking Baits