Thursday, July 31, 2008
Spearfishermans Eye Candy
Eye Candy ... you can look but no touching!! Freak how is this fish! So there are some big ones out there, usually we associate big 35kg plus cuta with Oz.
Freak cuta destination ...Transkei ... who's keen. :-)
My luck I will get there and it is brown and full of sharks ....with a pumping wind.
Oh this pic is a bout 3 weeks old apparently we missed it!!
Back home the vis is still good but it has gottten very cold (for us) 19deg!! And the sea was dead quiet ..... West tomorrow maybe we will come right this weekend.
Hey dont for get Club nite ..... The breath hold workshop will start at 7:30 sharp!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Garrick Luck
I got lucky coming in from a deep dive this morning, I swam right into a shoal of Garrick. Some a 100 snoek swam past while I was all tangled up in line ... damn
But supa good to see the fish around.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Clean Water = Spearfishing
Unfortunatly the beast from the east is here and I am not sure how the sea will be in the morning.
Iain and Morne headed up to Ponta over the weekend and managed a few good fish, here is Iain's account of what went down .....
Ponto 25-27 July 2008
Decided late on Thursday that the only place to head was southern Mozam. Water and vis sounded good so off we went at 3 on Friday morning.
Arrived and launched, headed to the 22m Malangane ledge, very quiet, and FULL of bass. Over the three days of diving we only got out one small kakaap of 4kg’s there. Normally this reef is very productive. For the rest of Friday we drifted the deep ledge in 38m off Malangane and then Pinnacles. Distinct lack of shark activity on both spots.
Pinnacles, always holds sharks, and we did see a tiger, zambo and about 15 hammers. All very docile and not interested in us at all! It’s the first time that I have see hammers swimming on their sides flashing their bellies and rolling! I would be interested to hear if any one knows if they do this when breading?
We got out 3 fish on Friday, the biggest a tropical kingi of 12kg’s on the Malangane ledge.
Saturday and good weather, very little wind. Again same strategy as Friday, this time we managed to get out 58kg’s of fish, kakaap cuda and tropicals.[Morne with a pb kakaap of over 10kg shot on his deepest dive to date, well done boet] , biggest a 16.8kg tropical on the outside ledge of Pinnacles. Had fantastic sightings of a large manta, but I think the cool water 21/22 C was responsible for the quietness.
We both dropped a few fish, from kak shots and the ever present bass. I dropped a good cuda and a kakaap, Morne also dropped a few fish. All the fish that we shot where deeper than 25m so the deep diving got us fairly fatigued. Well that’s what I am blaming for my poor shot placement!
Sunday and a short trip to the deep ledges and got three fish out, the east picked up and we decided to call it. On the way back we decided to get in on doodles. One cannot under estimate this small but productive reef. First down and Morne was into + 20kg cuda that unfortunately pulled out after a long fight. This reef it a must for any one passing it!
Best fish of the trip where the 6 tropicals from 16.8kg’s 14kg’s a few 12’s down to 8kg’s:
8 kakaap, Morne’s 10kg being the biggest:
3 cuda, Morne’s with the biggest of 9kg’s.
Out of the 28 boats that where launched over the 3 days only one fishing boat got a fish, a dorodo of 19kg’s, and that was a loooog way out to see. One of the other boats said that they laded a salli, but I was unable to confirm back on the beach.
Not a bad weekend trip, we did have the opportunity of getting a few decent fish that where lost! Still a productive few days.
I hope the Beast stays away long enough for some fish to come out ya
Monday, July 28, 2008
West is Here!!
The sea should clean up and there should be some diving ahead. The only thing is that the one forecast does show 2m swells!! So there might be a chance we are surfing instead of diving.
Last week end Rat shot his first Garrick ...... nice*
Hopefully there will some more around .... a mate said he saw a shoal of bait fish getting smashed yesterday off Sheffield. And thats always a good sign!!
Also dont forget this Friday is Salty Club Nite
As always ..... a 'Dop n' Chop' a dvd or two and I will be going over some foundational breath hold techniques.
I will cover:
Equipment - how & why the right stuff helps!
Foundational breath hold principals
Breath hold technique and application
plus some good ol tips here and there.
Last time we did a breath hold workshop we had great report backs from guys who had improved their diving.
One guy almost doubled his bottom time!!
So pull in and come check things out, and if you are an ol Salty Dog with years of experience why not pull in and come share you thoughts aswell.
Til Then
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
East for another week
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Spring is here EARLY
Last weekend some guys were up at Ponta and got the surf firing for 3 days solid ... lucky bumms!!
Not much else to report other wise ..... good time to work I suppose .... but who likes it???
Monday, July 21, 2008
Just when you thought the weekend was a waste!
The Bokke lost and the easterlies blew but some how the water was just good enough for one guy to come properly right. It can only be compared to finding your dream woman .... a the Wimpy!
You go for a crummy burger and hookup big time!!
I dont mean to depress you but it looks like the first time the east is going to stop will be next Monday! So out come the running shoes .......damn!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The weekend looks like Pancakes!!
But alas it looks like the east is here and could seriously throw a damper on this to come.
The water is fairly clean, well atleast the green muck has gone. Hopefully the east will hold off for long enough so that we can get some kind of dive in over the weekend.
On another note, Joel ...a local chap working on a yacht up at Zanzibar sent this to me!
Well it's good to see the gun works!!
Kelly Slater Wins Billobong Pro - Jefferys Bay

Kelly Slater Wins Again!!
Freak out!! Kelly Slater takes the cake again ... this is number 4 for the year and it looks like he has a real shot at the 9th world surfing title. He took down Mike Fanning ...properly leaving Fanning short of a combo!
Heat # 1 Men Final More info ... Heat Scores Wave/Wave | singlet | plc | pts | name | from |
Red | 1 | 16.73 | Kelly Slater | USA | |
Blue | 2 | 9.40 | Mick Fanning | AUS |
I chatted to a mate who is down at Jefferys watching and he said that Jordy came so close to getting through and needed an 8. something and only managed an 8 with an insane long barrel but did just now crack it.
2000 points now separate Kelly from the crowd, Joel Parkinson is sitting second and with 6 events still to go Kelly's 9th ASP title is not sealed yet.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Surf is gonna be up!
The swell and off shore winds should be perfect tomorrow according to the forecasts, so I am amped!!
The Billabong is back up and running.... Travis Logie got smoked by Slater with a combo 19.14 for a heat score!! Sorry Trav .........
Heat # 8 Men Round 3 More info ... Heat Scores Wave/Wave | singlet | plc | pts | name | from |
Red | 1 | 19.14 | Kelly Slater | USA | |
Blue | 2 | 12.06 | Travis Logie | ZAF |
Tomorrow I will be doing my best to surfing like Kelly ... all I need is some waves and I am all over the jol!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Frustration Frustration Frustration
Last year we expected that it was going to be nasty, but this year there were signs that it was going to be on.
Westbrook has had some waves but you seriously need to have the croud thing sorted or dont even bother.
On the Spearfishing side the water is looking a little bit cleaner than the weekend, and with a little luck there will be a dive on the weekend when the swell drops.
Down a Jeffrey's the Billabong Pro is mid way but they are on hold waiting for the best conditions,
while the winds are wafting towards the devil wind angle and although there are still a few waves, the next few days are looking much better. Only two full days are required to finalise the event.
The next crew of surfers through to round three are due to battle it out tomorrow. Local boy Travis Logie will face Kelly Slater ....outch and Jordy is coming up against Ozzy Dean Morrison who does well down at Jeffery's Bay, so that will also be one to watch.
Here are the heat lists ..check it out
Heat 1: Bede Durbidge (AUS) vs. Leonardo Neves (BRA)
Heat 2: Luke Stedman (AUS) vs. Roy Powers (HAW)
Heat 3: Kai Otton (AUS) vs. Jay Thompson (AUS)
Heat 4: Joel Parkinson (AUS) vs. Daniel Wills (AUS)
Heat 5: Adriano de Souza (BRA) vs. Mick Campbell (AUS)
Heat 6: Bobby Martinez (USA) vs. Luke Munro (AUS)
Heat 7: Tom Whitaker (AUS) vs. Taylor Knox (USA)
Heat 8: Kelly Slater (USA) vs. Travis Logie (ZAF)
Heat 9: Mick Fanning (AUS) vs. Ben Bourgeois (USA)
Heat 10: Dayyan Neve (AUS) vs. Bruce Irons (HAW)
Heat 11: C.J. Hobgood (USA) vs. Kieren Perrow (AUS)
Heat 12: Adrian Buchan (AUS) vs. Fredrick Patacchia (HAW)
Heat 13: Taj Burrow (AUS) vs. Royden Bryson (ZAF)
Heat 14: Dean Morrison (AUS) vs. Jordy Smith (ZAF)
Heat 15: Andy Irons (HAW) vs. Heitor Alves (BRA)
Heat 16: Jeremy Flores (FRA) vs. Chris Ward (USA)
Any way thats all for now ...back to work
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Weekend Forcast
Monday and tuesday have east winds with a south forecast for mid week. Who knows maybe we will get some clean water then?
Ballito 2008 Adrenaline Beach Festival
Depends on what floats your boat you will either flock to the beach or run as fast as you can.
If joining the flocks of people is your thing then here is whats going down:
Saturday 12th July-Sunday 13th July 2008.
10h00-10h30 Kids Entertainment on stage
10h30-12h30 Beach Soccer
10h30-11h30 Ocean Experience
11h00-11h30 Jet Ski Demo’s
11h30-12h00 Dance Exhibition
12h00-12h30 Kinds Entertainment on stage
12h30-13h30 Ocean Experience
13h00-15h00 Touch Rugby
13h30-14h00 Freestyle Jet Ski Demo
14h00-14h30 Dance Exhibition
14h00-15h00 Ocean Experience
15h00-15h30 Free Style Jet Ski Demo
15h00 End of Day
So the Ballito 2008 Adrenaline Beach Festival sounds like fun ...for some! And the weather looks like it might hold ....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Frustrated Spearfisherman
But with some quality fish around it is very tempting to go have a "look see"
The week end is looking like it could be on ...but also could be off. This will depend if the south blows or not.
We will have to wait and see.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Worlds Spearfishing Venezuela
Some months back SAUFF started an initiative of pledging money to try and raise funds for the upcoming Worlds Spearfishing event in Venezuela. It is unfortunate, that to date, very few individuals and companies have made the effort to pledge.
The SA team, which is arguably one of the strongest sides to ever compete are needing your support. There are individuals in our team who have the ability to take the world title, and with it place SA as a world class side worthy of international respect.
This is however not possible without adequate funds to send the entire team. There is no government sponsorship or support for our divers, and as such, they are expected to fund it themselves. With the cost of air fares, accommodation, etc this is not always possible. The anticipated budget for sending the team is estimated at around R 170 000.00.
SAUFF is once again, on behalf of our national spearfishing team, putting forward to individuals, companies, dive equipment retailers, the request for pledging money towards this excellent cause. The date for the World Spearfishing event is set for October 2008 and time is running short.
Our South African Team who are hoping to be representing the country are:
Guyla Plaganyi (Captain)
Jaco Blignaut
Mark Jackson
Alan Frazer
Ryan Burmeister (Non traveling reserve)
For more information regarding the Worlds event as well as what pledges have been received, kindly check the Spearo Ranking Web on: All pledges will be recognized for their respective contributions on the website.
Yours Faithfully
SAUFF Public Relations Officer
Shane Breedt
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Disconected .......
The sea has been good, some surf ... would have been better if there were banks. And the water has been clean!
The guys have been getting Gelbeck off the south pier in Durban, and along Cracker reef. Some cuta have come out on the Bluff and even some good Dagga.
The conditions look good for the weekend so we should have some fun!!!
Its Salty Club nite tomorrow and it looks like there will be a nice crowd of guys. I have got some new DVD's so we will also have some entertainment :-)
Anyway thats all for now
Some More Great Spearfishing Videos
- Coatesman's Spearfishing How to Videos
- Best Dogtooth Tuna Spearfishing
- Giant Tuna being Hand feed
- Spearfishing 3 Kings - New Zealand with MJK
- Spearfishing Madagascar & Mozambique with MJK
- Spearfishing New Zealand Bluefin Tuna & Tonga with MJK
- Coatesmans Pole Spear Spearfishing Fail
- How to make the best Spearfishing Flasher with Chris Coates
- Free Swimming Dog Tooth tuna while Spearfishing Madagascar
- Spearfishing Sailfish Madagascar
- Spearfishing Dogtooth Tuna Madagascar
- Sailfish Attacking Baits