46 kilograms Dorre Island, Western Australia, July 18, 2004 by Greg Pickering
I also found this pic of Barry Paxman who often gets front page time on our Salty Diver web site. I think that you can clearly see the difference in the size of these fish, they are super long! Thats why it is always a good thing to take the photo standing up holding the fish up against your body. That way the picture does not get distorted. Another good habit is to either have the tail touching the ground or the V of the tail under your chin. I like to hold the head ... it does make the fish look more impressive.

37.2 kilograms , Muiron Islands, Australia, Sept. 29, 2001
Here is another Previous World Record Cuta, damn this is impressive! Out of the last two pics I like this one the most. It not only looks good, it is not deceptive in any way.

39.5 kilograms Murion Islands, Exmouth, Western Australia, Jan 1, 2002 by Ian Fearnley
So next time you get a beast of a fish and are getting the pics down, don't be too embarrassed to take your time and get the right shot.
Some more interesting Spanish Mackerel Facts - Read Here
Some more interesting Spanish Mackerel Facts - Read Here
woww thats a big fish what did you use to catch it
my father once held the world recourd. i still have a picture of it but he never claimed it. it was 86 pound and he got it in 1978 from memory i will try to post the picture up
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