Trev with 2 good Snoek and some dart Couta just after Newyear. |
While the rest of the Natal Coast starts to wake up over the Christmas period, and the Snoek and Couta start to make an appearance. Cape Vidal goes to sleep, well kind of. The Couta for the most part disappear and most days spearfishing will result in a couple nice Snoek if you are lucky.
If you do get Couta they are usually small, and it can be frustrating as the conditions are usually very good.
As you get into the new year the spearfishing gets better, the Couta although generally small start showing up in numbers. The tell tale signs are the local ski-boaters taking over the campsite for the late January - February run.
Local Spearfisherman Koos Jordaan with 13kg Kakaap just before Christmas |
Although the Couta are slow over the Christmas period there are other fish around if you are whiling to put in the time. Local spearfisherman Koos Jordaan managed to get some really good fish over the 'quiet' period, including a 13kg Kakaap (Green Jobfish) and a 20kg Milkfish (Chanos Chanos)
Koos's Newyear 20kg Chanos Chanos (Giant Milkfish) |
So the big decision now is deciding whether to stay at home and capitalise on the good sized Couta that are showing up here and there, or head to Cape Vidal. Which one will be better and produce the goods.
For some it will be back to the 'grind stone' ....damn that sucks!
Book your own Spearfishing adventure go to:
Cape Vidal Spearfishing Charters and Guided Trips